Archdiocese of Milwaukee - Office for Schools
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Contact Information

Laura Kacala
Adminstrative Assistant
(414) 758-2254


Technology Integration

  Please describe, in narrative form, how your school meets and/or exceeds the criteria listed below.
Submitted by:   Title:  
Phone:   E-mail:  

Principal:   ***If different than person named above.
Phone:   E-mail:  


1. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
2. Students use digital resources and environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribnute to the learning of others.
3. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
4. Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, apply knowledge of technology operations and concepts, and make informed decisions based on Gospel values using appropriate digital tools and resources.
5. Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and are guided in its use by the teachings of the Catholic Church.


6. Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation.
7. Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context.
8. Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
9. Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture, and are guided in its use both instructionally and personally by the teachings of the Catholic Church.
10. Teachers continually improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in the school and the professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.


11. Administrators inspire and lead development and implementation of a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and promote and sustain a digital-age culture that provides a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students.
12. Administrators promote an environment of professional learning and innovation that empowers educators to enhance student learning through the infusion of contemporary and digital resources.
13. Administrators understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and are guided in its use both professionally and personally by the teachings of the Catholic Church.
14. School/board/parish leadership share a vision for technology integration, develop a technology plan to support that vision, and are committed to an annual budget to sustain the plan.


Building Address (use for deliveries)
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI  53235 (map)

Mailing Address
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI  53207

Phone Numbers
Molly Farrell: (414) 758-2256
Laura Kacala: (414) 758-2254

(414) 769-3408

General email

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