Bruce Varick Associate Superintendent (414) 758-2252
Molly Farrell Administrative Assistant (414) 758-2256
Course Title
High School Location
Quarter(s) Offered
Language Arts (Replacement)
American Voices, American Dreams
Catholic Memorial
Sabrina Rolli
2, 3
Mary Petrie John Marquardt
The Hero's Journey
Divine Savior Holy Angels
Quinn Loucks
Thomas Montgomery
Each course will run for nine weeks, combining online instruction and workshops for academically gifted 7th and 8th grade students. The workshops will be held at the participating high school from 8:00- 11:00 a.m. Parents must provide transportation to and from the high school and cover the cost of course materials. Students should report to the front office of the high school on the first day of class.
Building Address (use for deliveries) Archdiocese of Milwaukee 3501 South Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235 (map)
Mailing Address Archdiocese of Milwaukee PO Box 070912 Milwaukee, WI 53207
Phone Numbers Molly Farrell: (414) 758-2256 Laura Kacala: (414) 758-2254
Fax (414) 769-3408
General email