Archdiocese of Milwaukee - Office for Schools

Course Timeline

2023-24 Courses Offered and Instructors:


 Course Title

 High School



 Language Arts

 American Voices,
 American Dreams

 Catholic Memorial

 Sabrina Rolli

2, 3

 Language Arts

 Evaluating Innovation Catholic Memorial  Tanya Albanese 3
  STEM Catholic Memorial

 Mary Petrie
 John Marquardt

 Language Arts

 The Hero's Journey

 Divine Savior
 Holy Angels

 Quinn Loucks

2, 3

 Social Studies
 Landmark Moments in United
 States History

 Divine Savior
 Holy Angels

Thomas Montgomery

2, 3



2023-24 Course Overview:

Each course will run for nine weeks, combining online instruction and workshops for academically gifted 7th and 8th grade students.  The workshops will be held at the participating high school from 8:00- 11:00 a.m.  Parents must provide transportation to and from the high school and cover the cost of course materials.  Students should report to the front office of the high school on the first day of class.  

Quarter 2:  
November 7 (Tuesday) Course begins.  First in-person workshop.
December 5 Second in-person workshop.
January 9 Third in-person workshop. Present final project.
January 11 Course ends.
January 26 Student report cards distributed to schools.
Quarter 3
January 16 (Tuesday) Course begins. First in-person workshop.
February 13 Second in-person workshop.
March 12 Third in-person workshop. Present final project.
March 14 Course ends.
March 22 Student report cards distributed to schools.


Building Address (use for deliveries)
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI  53235 (map)

Mailing Address
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI  53207

Phone Numbers
Molly Farrell: (414) 758-2256
Laura Kacala: (414) 758-2254

(414) 769-3408

General email

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